In terms of electronic devices such as power tools, household appliances and lamps, we carry out extensive practical testing to give you the assurance that complaints will remain the exception.
When a product is launched, in addition to the safety check, we also check its suitability for use in conjunction with the instructions for use and RoHS conformity (in accordance with EC Directive 2011/65 EU). Where saving electricity is key in the development of new products, we check them to ensure they meet energy consumption requirements.
Mechanical devices such as tools, fitness equipment, leisure goods and furniture are subjected to extensive practical testing in combination with their instructions for use upon request. We test product safety and SVHC substances within the framework of REACH legislation (Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006). In addition, the testing programme can be extended to include other harmful substances. The completeness check of accompanying documentation and the assessment of information provide you with an important decision-making aid for safety and legal conformity, such as compliance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.